呢個月呀 . .

都唔知搞咩 . .

頭頭碰著黑呀 . .


話說呢 . .

我係黎 canada 之前呢係唔識 iron 3 ge. .

now 呢. .

亦唔好得去邊 lol

coz 我連續 iron clothes iron 到自己. .

燒傷同一隻腳 XD


moreover, ,

我重因為著 high heel 跌親. .

跌到連褲都穿左個 hole . .

一大個傷口係 knee 到. .

now knee 周圍都係傷. .又瘀

好嘔心 /_\

btw . .我之所以iron 親隻腳呢係因為 . .

我night wash uniform

morning先 dry

then coz my roomate were still sleeping

i ironed my clothes in dark on the bed. .

and i was sitting on the bed. . ( sitting becoz i'm lazy lol)

then. .

我 fell down 個時呢. .

個時係捧住一個tray wif two cups of drink. .

係十字路口 . .

跪左落黎咁 fell down

unfortunately 咁俾一個男學生見到. .

i think 佢當時一定以為我係度拜乜咁 ( 十字路口嘛)

so embarrasing 呀 xD

( however 我兩cup drink one drop 都冇跌落黎 XDD)



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