i was quite suffering with the great pressure here, (i can't imagine how would i be if i stayed in HK wif you guys, fighting for AL , I would hav gone crazy lol) 

completing universities application

waiting for my midterm

waiting for my offers

then finally i end up some strange physiological effects on my body lol

眼眉"調" for whole two weeks. .

it ended when i received my mid term marks xD


i felt my body was sheivering all the time - - ""

at that time i was waiting for offers. .

as I kept hearing others receiving from which which which university. .

and i'm really scared  . .

coz i hav non from ontaio u at tht time. .

. . .


for now . .

I receive conditional , early Admisssion offers from

Alberta University

Victoria University

University of Toronto !

. .

and I'm waiting for my dream University - - University of British Columbia, to give me offers -33333-~!


conditional, early offers means that they are likelt to accept me if I can maintain my marks or not letting them to drop a certain percentage  =]

so i still need to work hard ne. .



so keep up the gd work ar you guys !! +oil!~

我地要一齊升大學 !! =]




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